Digital Media


Kreative Digital Media Agency lets publishers focus on core competency, i.e., creating unique content. No specific requirement to procure expensive software or spend on skill development.  While the concept for the magazine came from Kreative Agency,95 percent of the content created for it was composed by Situm Content Department.  The magazine is meant to be a “land and real estate information magazine,” for constructors and real estate agencies across the country.

Our designers & device experts take care of bringing content to different device types with best user experience, making them available for sale across channels and devices

Interactive and engaging advertising, in-depth analytical data and consumer behavior at your finger-tips, helps you customize marketing strategy, maximize consumer reach , monetize content, increase circulation revenue and strengthen brand.

Experienced in providing on-site and virtual corporate trainings, workflow consultancy, technical pre-sales presentations and post sales trainings. Also, we have a team of dedicated digital marketing experts who can help you achieve your goals and objectives by crafting a highly customized and effective content marketing strategy for your brand.

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Interactive, engaging and spontaneous digital content for magazines, newspapers, marketing communications, events, reports and newsletters.

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Kreative Digital Media Agency specializes in publishing interactive digital magazine across leading tablets, smartphones and hand-held devices. Maximize circulation revenue, cater to global audience, measure end user behavior and engagement.




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